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Income Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

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Bogus purchases - purchases managed through accommodation ...

August 17, 2022

Case Laws     Income Tax     AT

Bogus purchases - purchases managed through accommodation entries - A.O had not controverted the material which was submitted by the assessee during the course of the assessment proceedings, viz. vehicle numbers (which were corrected in the assessment proceeding), bank details, transportation details of trucks, custom clearance details, export sales and domestic sales documents, confirmation from exporters a/w. copies of account, but had chosen to focus more on the modus operandi adopted by the firms/brokers for providing bogus bills/accommodation entries, therefore, in absence of dislodging of the aforesaid supporting documents/materials there was no justification on his part in drawing adverse inferences as regards the authenticity of the purchases in question. - the assessee had made genuine purchases - AT

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