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Companies Law - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights November 2023 Year 2023 This

Refusal of registration of shares of the Respondents - ambit of ...

Company's Share Registration Refusal Deemed Legitimate; Respondents Absent in Court to Contest Claims.

November 16, 2023

Case Laws     Companies Law     HC

Refusal of registration of shares of the Respondents - ambit of Section 111A of Companies Act - sufficient cause for refusal to register shares or not - The Respondents have filed multiple complaints against the Appellant company to various statutory authorities - the allegation of the Appellant company is that the Respondents seek to cause hurdles in the way of bona-fide corporate decisions taken by the Appellant Company. The Respondents have chosen not to appear before this Court to rebut the allegation of the Appellant. - Refusal of registration of shares are bonafide - HC

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