The case involved a dispute over the writ jurisdiction of the ...
Supreme Court Rules High Court Can't Issue Writs to Private Entities Post-Public Sector Privatization.
May 27, 2024
Case Laws Indian Laws SC
The case involved a dispute over the writ jurisdiction of the High Court post privatization of (AIL) by a private corporate entity. - Erstwhile Public sector undertaking (PSU) - The issue was whether the High Court could exercise writ jurisdiction over a private entity. The employee-writ petitioner argued that the petition was maintainable against the respondent at the time of filing. Various High Courts had held that a government company becoming a private entity would make it immune from writ jurisdiction. The Supreme Court held that the High Court could not issue a writ to a private entity that had taken over during the pendency of the case. The delay in disposal of the writ petitions was considered a valid ground to continue the case, but the appellants were directed to seek remedy from another forum. The appeal was dismissed, upholding the decision of the Bombay High Court to deny equitable relief and require the appellants to approach the appropriate forum for their grievances.
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