The NCLAT addressed issues regarding the approval of a ...
NCLAT approved Resolution Plan by Suraksha Realty Limited, treating YEIDA as secured creditor for farmers' compensation. SRA to pay Rs.1334.31 crores.
June 10, 2024
Case Laws Insolvency and Bankruptcy AT
The NCLAT addressed issues regarding the approval of a Resolution Plan by Suraksha Realty Limited, focusing on the treatment of claims filed in the CIRP of the Corporate Debtor. The key question was whether YEIDA is a secured creditor of the Corporate Debtor. The NCLAT held that YEIDA is indeed a secured creditor, based on a Supreme Court judgment. The treatment of YEIDA's claim in the Resolution Plan was deemed unsustainable by the Adjudicating Authority. The NCLAT also discussed the claim towards EDC, concluding that it is not a secured claim under the 1976 Act. Consent of YEIDA was not required for treatment of its claims in the CIRP or for transfer of leasehold rights. The NCLAT directed the SRA to pay the Appellant its secured operational debt of Rs.1689 crores, in line with the percentage offered to other secured creditors. The SRA was instructed to make the payment as per the proposed timeline. The appeal was disposed of with these directions.
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