1. Deduction of expenses incurred in forest regeneration. 2. Exclusion of expenses incurred on payment of royalty. Analysis: Issue 1: Deduction of expenses incurred in forest regeneration The assessee, a Government of Bihar undertaking, had a lease of forest land for 30 years, allowing the government to resume possession anytime. The income derived was both agricultural and non-agricultural. The dispute centered on whether expenses for forest regeneration should be treated as revenue expenditure. Both the Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals) and the Income-tax Appellate Tribunal favored the assessee's plea, considering it as revenue expenditure. The Tribunal framed questions for the court under section 256(1) of the Income-tax Act, seeking clarification on the nature of expenses incurred in forestry regeneration. However, the parties reached an agreement in 1993, segregating income derived from agricultural sources, resolving the issue. As a result, the court found the dispute to have academic importance only and declined to answer the question on its merits. Issue 2: Exclusion of expenses incurred on payment of royalty Another dispute revolved around the exclusion of expenses on royalty payment from total income. The Department did not contest that the expenses were covered by a Supreme Court decision in favor of the assessee. Consequently, the court declined to answer the question on its merits and granted liberty to make fresh assessments for the relevant assessment years, 1977-78 and 1978-79. The references were disposed of with no order as to costs. In conclusion, the court found that the disputes raised in the references had been resolved through subsequent developments and agreements between the parties. As a result, the court declined to provide opinions on the issues and returned the references for fresh assessments, considering the academic importance of the disputes in light of the resolved matters.