No. 29/2019 - Dated: 28-3-2019 - IT
Approval of the Government of India has been accorded for setting up of an industrial park by M/s Romell Real Estate Pvt. Ltd.
No. 28/2019 - Dated: 26-3-2019 - IT
Exemption u/s 10(46) in relation to specified income of notified person - Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission
No. 9/2019 - Dated: 25-3-2019 - Cus
Amendment to Notification No.52/2003-Customs dated 31.03.2003 for extending exemption from IGST and compensation cess to EOUs on imports till 31.03.2020
No. 8/2019 - Dated: 25-3-2019 - Cus
Seeks to extend the exemption from Integrated Tax and Compensation Cess upto 31.03.2020 on goods imported against AA/EPCG authorizations.
No. 14/2019 - Dated: 25-3-2019 - ADD
Seeks to impose anti-dumping duty on 'Acetone', originating in or exported from European Union, Singapore, South Africa and United States of America.
No. 12/2019-State Tax - Dated: 22-3-2019 - Mizoram SGST
Seeks to prescribe the due dates for furnishing of FORM GSTR-1 for those taxpayers with aggregate turnover of more than ₹ 1.5 crores for the months of April, May and June, 2019.