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IBC - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights August 2019 Year 2019 This

Admissibility of CIRP petition under I&B code - as per invoice ...

CIRP Petition Dismissed: Invoice Error Shows Buyer as "Perfect IT Solution," Not Respondent "Sify Technologies Limited" u/s 9.

August 1, 2019

Case Laws     Insolvency and Bankruptcy     AT

Admissibility of CIRP petition under I&B code - as per invoice buyer is ‘Perfect IT Solution’ and not ‘Sify Technologies Limited’ (Respondent herein) - a disputed question of fact can be decided by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction and not by the Adjudicating Authority or by this Appellate Tribunal, hence the application u/s 9 is not maintainable

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