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Indian Laws - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights March 2020 Year 2020 This

Dishonor of cheque - insufficiency of funds - There is a ring of ...

Accused Issued Torn Cheque Knowing Insufficient Funds, Complainant's Testimony Deemed Credible in Dishonor Case.

March 24, 2020

Case Laws     Indian Laws     HC

Dishonor of cheque - insufficiency of funds - There is a ring of truth in the testimony of the complainant (P.W.1) inasmuch as he has clearly stated that, he was anxious to get back his money from the accused and that the accused gave him a torn cheque saying that he (accused) will ensure that it is cleared if it is presented two moths later and that is why he accepted it and presented it two months later. - HC

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