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Income Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights January 2021 Year 2021 This

Revision u/s 263 - valuation of equity share - the litigation ...

PCIT's Oversight on Equity Share Valuation u/s 263 Raises Rule 11UA Compliance Concerns.

January 16, 2021

Case Laws     Income Tax     AT

Revision u/s 263 - valuation of equity share - the litigation before us may not have erupted if in the proceedings u/s 263 by Ld.. PCIT have mentioned that the audited financial statements are similar to the unaudited financial statement placed before Ld. A.O and the same has been examined by him and there is no change in valuation of the fair market value of the equity shares as per rule 11UA of I.T. Rules. - AT

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