Undisclosed income - The service tax ledger account shows flat ...
Using Unverified Notes for Tax Additions Unfair; Inflated Profit Claims Deemed Speculative, Not Factual.
May 24, 2021
Case Laws Income Tax AT
Undisclosed income - The service tax ledger account shows flat wise tax paid from 2011 to 2016 even on individual payments credited. Hence, just on the basis of one loose sheet of paper with miscellaneous, unconfirmed 86 uncorroborated notings, to make an addition is not fair as this would also mean a suppressed sale of of about 25% against the shown project revenue and jack up the profit to 30% (5.43% already shows) which appears to be astronomical as well as impractical on a single project. The addition dwells more in the realm of presumption than real. - AT
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