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Central Excise - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights May 2021 Year 2021 This

Reversal of CENVAT Credit - Capital Goods - Lease back of sold ...

Court Reverses CENVAT Credit Decision on Sold and Leased-Back Capital Goods; Considers Circular No. 1063/2/2018-CX.

May 26, 2021

Case Laws     Central Excise     HC

Reversal of CENVAT Credit - Capital Goods - Lease back of sold out capital goods - Deemed removal of goods from the factory premises of the petitioner - core contention of the petitioner's counsel is that the Central Excise Act does not contemplate any deemed removal - The order impugned in the writ petition is quashed. The matter is remitted to the file of the respondent. The respondent will bear in mind the Circular No. 1063/2/2018-CX - HC

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