Levy of penalty u/s 114A of Customs Act, 1962 - In the present ...
Appellant Penalized u/s 114A of Customs Act for Misdeclaration; Goods Confiscated and Later Abandoned During Appeal.
December 13, 2021
Case Laws Customs AT
Levy of penalty u/s 114A of Customs Act, 1962 - In the present case, the appellant has been allowed to redeem the goods on payment of payment of duty. The appellant has later at the time of hearing of the appeal opted to abandon the goods. This does not in any way absolve the allegations of misdeclarations confirmed and upheld by the impugned order. The appellant imported prohibited goods which were absolutely confiscated. The goods which were allowed to be redeemed were also found to be undeclared / misdeclared for which penalty is imposable under Section 114A of the Customs Act. - AT
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