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Customs - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights February 2022 Year 2022 This

The provisions of Regulation 17 of the C.B.L.R., 2018 is ...

Tribunal Rules Regulation 17 of C.B.L.R., 2018 as Directory; Insufficient Evidence on IEC Lending Under Regulation 11(d), 2013.

February 9, 2022

Case Laws     Customs     HC

The provisions of Regulation 17 of the C.B.L.R., 2018 is required to be considered as directory and not mandatory - having regard to the finding of fact recorded by the Tribunal to the effect that the department has failed to provide sufficient evidence to show that the respondent had lent the IEC without proper verification and thereby he had violated Regulation 11(d) of C.B.L.R., 2013, the substantial question of law No.4 becomes only academical in the present case, because the respondent cannot be held guilty on the merits of the case for want of sufficient evidence as recorded by the Tribunal. - HC

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