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Central Excise - Highlights / Catch Notes

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Levy of penalty - wrongful availment of CENVAT Credit - ...

Appellant Penalized for Wrongful CENVAT Credit Availment; Failed to Present Evidence Since 2013 Appeal Filing.

July 22, 2022

Case Laws     Central Excise     AT

Levy of penalty - wrongful availment of CENVAT Credit - allegation is that the appellant had abetted/aided, planned and conspired with other co-noticees in the preparation of invalid document - There are no whisper about any retraction or any disputes as to their statements being not voluntary. The same are not even rebutted as having been obtained per force. Hence, the statements are relevant documents. The present appeal was filed in the year 2013 and the appellant had sufficient time to place all such relevant documents on record, but no such attempt is made. - demand confirmed - AT

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