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Service Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

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Exemption from service tax provided to DMRC - Railways - ...

Calcutta High Court exempts railway-related composite contracts from service tax, including Delhi Metro Rail Corporation projects.

September 20, 2022

Case Laws     Service Tax     AT

Exemption from service tax provided to DMRC - Railways - composite contacts - works contract service - The exclusion of the alleged ‘taxable service’ sought to be fastened on them from any contract other than service simpliciter erases the distinction of commercial outcome suggested by the reviewing authority. In any case, even if Delhi Metro Rail Corporation were to be the final recipient of the service rendered by the respondent, the decision of the Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta in M/s Afcons Infrastructure Ltd. categorising them as ‘railway’ forecloses taxability even if the dispute pertains to laying of water pipelines. - AT

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