Additions towards Undisclosed profit from contract work and ...
Tribunal Finds Assessing Officer's Profit Calculations Unfounded, Orders Re-examination of Contract and Transport Income.
February 3, 2024
Case Laws Income Tax AT
Additions towards Undisclosed profit from contract work and transport income - The tribunal found that the assumptions made by Ld. AO are without any basis, on the contrary the basis adopted by the Ld. AO was itself conflicting at places when the percentage of profit was calculated on the basis of turnover in 26AS, but have presumed that the turnover shown in 26AS was not considered by the assessee in the returned income, Ld. AO also presumed that the deemed profit u/s 44AE was not included in the profit shown by the assessee in ITR was again on the basis of presumption without any concrete evidence. - Matter restored back for fresh consideration.
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