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Customs - Highlights / Catch Notes

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The case involves a dispute regarding valuation for import ...

Dispute over import valuation! Court emphasizes written certificate for electronic evidence. Appellant's challenge upheld.

Case Laws     Customs

August 14, 2024

The case involves a dispute regarding valuation for import assessment. The appellant challenges the rejection of declared value in favor of depreciated value in the Valuation Certificate issued by a Customs Examiner (CE). The court refers to ANVAR P.V. case, emphasizing the requirement of a written certificate under CA 1962 for admissibility of electronic evidence. It clarifies the binding legal position on admissibility of electronic evidence. Section 138C of CA 1962 allows admissibility of computer print-outs subject to conditions, with lack of certificate being fatal to the case. The appellant imported secondhand machines, with valuation based on Circular not challenged. The court sets aside the order, stating no justification for rejecting CE's Certificate, and rules out duty demand or penalties due to lack of merit. - CESTAT

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