No. 138/94 - Dated: 24-6-1994 - Cus
Exemption to materials required for use in the manufacture of goods to be supplied to ONGC, GAIL and OIL - Amendment to Notification No. 513/86-Cus.
No. 135/1994 - Dated: 24-6-1994 - Cus
The notification exempts finished wool on leather manufactured from imported leather by a 100% EOU or a unit within a FTZ.
No. 133/94 - Dated: 22-6-1994 - Cus
Exemption to specified goods imported for use in the articles, etc. meant for export/export promotion/ processing (including repairing, reconditioning etc.) of export articles by units in EPZ or FTZ - Rescinding of 7 Notifications