No. 31/98 - Dated: 15-9-1998 - CE
EOUs/EHTP/STP Units - DC may permit sourcing of duty free captive power plants and generative . - Commissioner may allow sourcing of duty free furnace oil for boilers
No. 69/98 - Dated: 15-9-1998 - Cus
Platinum and silver - Imported for plain and studded jewellery for export - Amendment to Notification No. 49/97-Cus.
No. 37/98 - Dated: 10-9-1998 - CE (NT)
Commissioner of Central Excise, Delhi-II invested with the powers of the Commissioner of Central Excise throughout the territory of India for investigation and adjudication of cases
No. S. O. 783(E) - Dated: 7-9-1998 - IT
Central Board of Direct Taxes specifies equity shares to be issued by the Tata Tele Services Limited, a public company u/s 54EB