No. S.O.181(E) - Dated: 9-3-1995 - IT
Exemption u/s 35AC - Central Government had specified for Construction of dwelling units for the rural poor and Health Education of Ramakrishna Mission Belur Math as an eligible projects or schemes
No. S.O.180(E) - Dated: 9-3-1995 - IT
Exemption u/s 35AC - Central Government had specified the construction of fully equipped hospital named as Ramco Appollo Diagnostic Centre at Rajapalayam, Kamaraj District, Tamil Nadu as an eligible project of scheme
No. S.O.179(E) - Dated: 9-3-1995 - IT
Exemption u/s 35 AC - Central Government had specified the Hospital Centre Project at Trivandrum of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math, District Howrah, West Bengal as an eligible project or scheme
No. S.O.178(E) - Dated: 9-3-1995 - IT
Exemption u/s 35AC - Central Government had specified the (a) Slum Re-housing; (b) Rural Housing; (c) School building reconstruction ; and (d) Training and self-employment of handicapped poor (primarily blind) in rural and urban areas as eligible projects or schemes
No. S.O.614(E) - Dated: 23-8-1994 - IT
Exemption u/s 35AC - Approved "Sri Sathya Sai Medical Trust, Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh)" as an eligible project or scheme