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Income Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights April 2023 Year 2023 This

Power of CIT(A) - Admitting new evidence under Rule 46A(1) of ...

CIT(A) can admit new evidence u/r 46A(1) and direct witness examination under Sub-rule (4) during appeals.

April 6, 2023

Case Laws     Income Tax     HC

Power of CIT(A) - Admitting new evidence under Rule 46A(1) of the Income Tax Rules - Sub-rule(4) of Rule 46-A starts with an obstante clause empowering the CIT(A) to direct the examination of any witness and production of any document to enable him to dispose of the appeal. The exercise of power by the CIT(A) in allowing admission of the exemption Order in support of the Appellant's case, cannot be said to be arbitrary or perverse exercise to warrant interference. - HC

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