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Law of Competition Notifications For the year 2009
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 Records
Law of Competition
No. G.S.R. 934(E) - Dated: 31-12-2009 - Competition Law
Competition Commission of India (Number of Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General other officers and employees, their manner of appointment, qualification, salary, allowances and other terms and conditions of service) second Amendment Rules, 2009
No. G.S.R. 827(E) - Dated: 16-11-2009 - Competition Law
Competition Appellate Tribunal (Salaries and Allowances and other terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson and other Members) Second Amendment Rules, 2009 - Amendment in Rules 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 19
No. 6 of 2009 - Dated: 14-10-2009 - Competition Law
Competition (Amendment) Ordinance, 2009
No. 670(E) - Dated: 14-9-2009 - Competition Law
Competition Commission of India (Salary, Allowances, Other Terms and Conditions of Service of the Secretary and Officers and Other Employees of the Commission and the Number of Such Officers and Other Employees) Rules, 2009
No. G.S.R. 613(E) - Dated: 28-8-2009 - Competition Law
Competition Commission of India (Salary, Allowances and other Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and other Members) Second Amendment Rules, 2009
No. L-3 (5)/Reg-Cost/2009-10/CCI - Dated: 20-8-2009 - Competition Law
The Competition Commission of India (Determination of Cost of Production) Regulations, 2009
No. G.S.R. 439(E) - Dated: 23-6-2009 - Competition Law
Competition Commission of India (Number of Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General other officers and employees, their manner of appointment, qualification, salary, allowances and other terms and conditions of service) Amendment Rules, 2009
No. No R-40007/6/ Reg- Meeting/ Noti/ 04- CCI - Dated: 21-5-2009 - Competition Law
The Competition Commission of India (Meeting for Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2009
No. R-40007/6/ Reg- Expert/ Noti/ 04- CCI - Dated: 15-5-2009 - Competition Law
The Competition Commission of India (Procedure for Engagement of Experts and Professionals) Regulations, 2009
No. G.S.R. 339(E) - Dated: 15-5-2009 - Competition Law
Competition Appellate Tribunal (Salaries and allowances and other Terms and Conditions of Service of the Chairperson and other Members) Amendment Rules, 2009
No. G.S.R. 260(E) - Dated: 20-4-2009 - Competition Law
Competition Appellate Tribunal (Term of the Selection Committee and the Manner of Selection of Panel of Names) Amendment Rules, 2009
No. G.S.R. 259(E) - Dated: 20-4-2009 - Competition Law
Competition Commission of India (Term of the Selection Committee and the Manner of Selection of Panel of Names) Second Amendment Rules, 2009
No. G.S.R. 156 (E) - Dated: 6-3-2009 - Competition Law
Competition Commission of India (Term of the Selection Committee and the Manner of Selection of Panel of Names) Amendment Rules, 2009
No. G.S.R. NO. 137(E) - Dated: 27-2-2009 - Competition Law
Competition Appellate Tribunal (Salaries and Allowances and other terms and conditions of service of the Chair person and other Members) Rules, 2009
No. G.S.R. No. 136(E) - Dated: 27-2-2009 - Competition Law
Competition commission of India (Salary, Allowances and Other Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and other members) Amendment Rules, 2009